The Art of Self-Care

Taking care of yourself!

To thy self be true, and it follows, as night follows day, thou canst be false to no man.

—William Shakespeare 

The practice of self-care is ultimately the most private practice one can develop. Self-care involves not only witnessing the self and requiring a level of honesty that Occum's Razor would not leave out. Self-care attributes the practice of loving yourself, being one with yourself, admitting shortcomings, and tending to yourself to service the Wold.

Self-care should be taught in every school, kindergarten, and 12th grade. It is a mindfulness practice, a practice of the spirit.

Show me an individual who practices self-care, and I will show you an individual who understands life's subtlety.

This ties into Ontology hand in hand, the study of beingness. When one is mindful, watching their breathing down to the inhale and exhale, really getting present and mindful, miracles begin to occur. 

Self-care is contradictory to the World at large; it is a process of profound reversal into self and placing the human body, senses, and morale at the service of the cosmic, which is always in tune and waiting to reset and heal us once we stay present, and slow down.

Self-care is a dance. And everyone dances slightly differently than another, and it can be taught; however, the practice, like anything else, truly sets it apart.

How you do one thing can teach you about how you to everything. Have you made Self-care an important Master and teacher in your life?

If not, what is stopping you?

Leave Questions, Thoughts, and Comments freely below.

In Best Wishes,

May you dwell in Peace and Abundance